This shot was taken in the South Okanagan in an area that has been proposed as a National Park. It is an emotional and hotly debated topic in our community, personally I have been on both sides of the proposal. Which is probably why the community is so divided about the park, both options have positive and negative points to be considered. National Parks can be very restrictive conversely unprotected this beautiful area may slowly disappear. When I look at this picture I wish to protect this unique and fragile ecosystem. My travels south of the border visiting many of the National and State parks has shown me what a positive effect they can have on the habitat and wildlife within these protected areas. Communities exist solely due to the Parks and patrons they service, clean sustainable stewardship their role.
For our area the valley bottom with its lakes and rivers surrounded with fertile orchards and vineyards giving way to a vast desert grassland crowned with snow capped Mountains, utopia I think. Realistic likely not, communities are much more complex than that, industry and economic diversity are only a few of the pieces in the mosaic that we live and work in.
The vision of this jewel in the South Okanagan can be very compelling but whatever the final outcome we are about to turn a page which will profoundly change our Valley and many of the people and animals who call it home. Look to the future for answers to the questions of today.