One or the aspects of photography that I would like to explore is portrait photography. Partly because I don't take a lot of pictures of people and family. Some of my family actually falls under the people category as well as family.
That aside, the relationship between the camera and the subject intrigues me. One still picture must tell a story, define a character. Creativity is paramount but lighting, whether in a studio or as a environmental portrait are critical aspects. The technical side must be in place to allow the creativity to happen. The relationship between the photographer and the subject must I'm sure also be respectful, trustworthy. Above all it is the responsibility of the photographer to allow and encourage the personality of the subject to be captured. You must be sensitive to understand who you are trying to photograph.
All this was difficult with the model that I photographed here because she was a bit of a dummy, well actually she's a mannequin. I tried to tell her story, how she missed the feel of rain on her face and capture the incredible patience she must have to stare out that window all day. I think that this might be a good time to say if you would like to have a portrait taken and you want to play a bit let me know.