Bone jarring, sucking sand and dust, you can hear the parts falling off your vehicle as you rattle up this trail. This is the road into the "Race Track" roughly 28 miles but feels like 100. The racetrack is a playa or dry lake bed. It has been suggested the name was given due to the mysterious rocks that appear to move across its surface leaving furrows in the the dry lake bed. I’ve met others who said they raced vehicles over the dry playa years ago. One man recounted how as a child his father managed to get the old Winnebago up to 95 MPH crammed with the family and gear. This practice is no longer permitted and the Race Track is still plagued with idiots who remove rocks or add others and walk onto the playa when it is flooded, leaving muddy foot prints and destroying this beautiful mystic place,
Dawn on the Race Track Playa