Pacific Rattle Snake

Nothing makes me dance and squeal like a little girl better than the warning buzz from a Pacific Rattle Snake. I didn't mention run away because more often than not when you hear the very distinctive warning buzz of the Rattler you don't know where it's coming from. They are very well camouflaged a dusty olive brown/green colour except after they shed their skin. At this time the colours are much more vivid. Generally they are not very aggressive but do not underestimate the speed that a snake can move. Their defensive posture, tightly coiled and shaking their tail allows them to strike out nearly the length of the snake. Do not provoke, but move slowly away watching carefully for others. Most of the season they hunt for food alone but in the spring there may be many in the area as they disperse from the winter den. This shot was taken near a den and I estimated at least 50 snakes were enjoying the warm spring sun